Friday, January 26, 2007

Weekend Update

Lots of new news on the SRWT front.

Most exciting (well, I think it's exciting) we have a nod of approval from Manitoba Film & Sound for all our funding. That's sort of the difference of night and day to us. Means we'll be able to borrow against their commitment for the cash to finish off the series. We still have to do some creative accounting but it looks like a go!

Ken visited the Chinese Embassy in Toronto today and despite his best efforts - we're not going to China. Too much hassle for a hillbilly crew. We want to go somewhere we're wanted anyway.

Ken also heard back from the guys from the European satellite network. They definitely want the show - but we don't really know what that means in terms of cashola. Their signal beams into 135 million European homes. Hopefully some of those people will want to buy a t-shirt or something.

I'm working hard on setting a new itinerary. It's looking possible for India and Thailand. I'm liking the variety - tigers and the Taj in India and Elephants, rafts and fantastic beaches in Thailand. Lots of food and culture and great stuff to do.
There are good deals to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia but it's not that different from Thailand and I'm still big on getting variety. The flight to Delhi is amusing - 14 hours out of LA to Taipei. Then a stopover for an hour and then 7 hours to Delhi. Piece o cake. Was hoping we might finagle a stop at a Bollywood set. Still working on it.

There's your Friday update.


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