Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Quick update from Regina

If you check out Triple Flip . ca there are very excited about joining the SRWT generation. They are a girls' fashion spot out of Alberta and are excited to be providing clothing plus cross promoting the show on their website. We're moving ahead with talks with Global involving sponsors and either western Canada or full national broadcast.

The SRWT gang will be converging on the Hawkins residence on Saturday eve to discuss potential sore arms from the needles and other stuff and to give Ezi's parents a chance to eyeball the crew that is stealing their son.

Nothing yet on an itinerary from Tourism Malaysia. Looks like they are planning to cover all our on-ground costs including hotels and meals and transportation. YAY.

Heard from Tourism India. Permits are in process and shouldn't be a problem. Hope it works out that way for Malaysia or I'm in deep do do. I'm meeting with the Tourism India gentleman for dinner the night before we leave. He's been super supportive and is excited that we're going.

Marnie's onto new SRWT gear design. And we're going to be so darn organized with SRWT luggage tags for ease of inventory and constant transport.

Everyone should please submit a description of all bags (gear and otherwise) asap.

Marnie and I are enjoying the sights of downtown Regina and will be back on Friday.


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