Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ok - You're right - I haven't been keeping up

Y'know, it's funny. I live and breathe SRWT everyday - there's always so much going on...for example - today we did a photo shoot with Shea so that we'd have some really fab studio shots for whatever we may need them for - and we have some fantastic sponsors we're in discussion with - but I'm so immersed in all that, I don't think to update the blog on the mundane biz side of things. But then I'm called on it (by my good friend Teresa) and I ponder a bit an realize there's lots of neat things to talk about.

We've added Swani who is going to be helping Denise digitize - to help speed up the process. D is working hard on India so we'll be seeing some great new footage soon. Bree has been hard at it coming up with ideas for our soon to be released, newly revamped website...several sponsors in Winnipeg have indicated real interest (very very exciting) I have a plan to go and talk with some people in Calgary (also very exciting) even some potential for some national sponsors but let's not get ahead of ourselves and oh yes. ..I have some things going on at Picante.

So keep watching - I'll add some cool shots from the photo shoot on Monday. They looked awesome!

Talk soon and thanks for continuing to care!


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