Saturday, May 05, 2007

Start spreading the news

Last night on FACEBOOK I created a Shea's Rockin' World Tour group. I'm hoping that all those who believe in the show will join the group and start talking it up on there. Hopefully the group will grow and spread like a bad fungus...and eventually take over the world.

The idea is to begin to create a buzz leading up to the launch of SRWT this September.

So - all you dedicated fans, here's an easy way for you to show your support and help us build some know who you too Pablo!!

Time is ticking down and much is accomplished each and every week!

We've brought in some extra help to digitize (welcome Swani) and we've now got the superstar team of Chris and Bree (who haven't actually met yet) working on the new website graphics and interactive features. How exciting!!!!!!!!

We're getting lots of peeks at India - new music is really working for Kenya - a bit of fine tuning and it will near completion...

And on the biz end - each and every day brings new possibilities...

Get your FACEBOOK on everyone and please let us know if you have other suggestions for some viral marketing...


  • That's great Laur - I'll sign up right away! Everything's coming together - great job! SRWT
    WILL take over the world.

    Looking forward to seeing the pics from the photoshoot.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:09 AM  

  • Rock on Facebookers

    By Blogger Unky Duck, at 5:40 PM  

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