Just a quick update
Quite a challenging day yesterday, for a change. We started out by going to Bollywood. Our tour guide seemed to lose track of the fact that we are shooting a TV show. When we got there and found out we couldn't shoot we said we wanted to leave. He got quite hostile. I remained calm believe it or not. He kept on me on our way back on the bus. Allan said it was like he was continuing to prod me with a pointed stick.
However....we caught up with the other tour company I had been arranging things with. Our guide Sandhya took us through the Gandhi museum, the laundry and the Gates of India. Very worthwhile and very interesting. We felt like we had been saved.
Mumbai is a huge city. We left the south downtown area at 6:15 and finally rolled into our hotel at 7:45. The traffic is unbelievable - horns blaring constantly, terrible roads....
We're looking forward to today - a quick shot of Shea on the tuk tuks and then we're headed to the airport. Today is houseboat day and we're very hopeful for something fabulous there plus a nice recovery time without the blaring horns and congestion.